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Professors at Seoul Medical University and Seoul National University Hospital declared that they wou..

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Resolving the Distant Conflict of Parliamentary Affairs
Medical staff are moving from a large hospital in Seoul on the morning of the 11th. [Photo source = Yonhap News]

Professors at Seoul Medical University and Seoul National University Hospital declared that they would take an indefinite leave of absence from the 17th, followed by professors at Severance Hospital, Gangnam Severance Hospital, and Yongin Severance Hospital under Yonsei Medical Center, which will take an indefinite leave of absence from the 27th in protest of the government.

The Yonsei University Medical School’s Emergency Response Committee (Emergency Committee) said the decision was made after collecting opinions from all professors at Severance Hospital, Gangnam Severance Hospital, and Yongin Severance Hospital.

However, it was decided to maintain treatment for emergency and serious patients such as emergency rooms, intensive care units, dialysis rooms, and delivery rooms.

According to the emergency committee, 531 out of 735 professors (72.2%) said they would take an indefinite leave of absence and put it into practice in their own survey conducted from the 9th to the 11th. 204 respondents (27.8%) said they would not do so.

In addition, 448 (61.0%) said they would support and participate in the emergency committee’s indefinite leave of absence, 219 (29.8%) said they would decide on each case, and 68 (9.2%) said they would not.

Medical college professors waited silently at hospitals and universities where medical doctors and students left, sacrificing virtually all other tasks besides medical treatment, the emergency committee said. “The government did not show any reasonable approach to solving problems, including dialogue.”

“The government should visually remove the traps sprayed on residents and medical students,” he said, adding, “The government should create an atmosphere and return residents and students to direct dialogue.”

In response, the emergency committee decided to take an indefinite leave of absence from the 27th until the government takes tangible measures to resolve the current medical crisis and medical education crisis.




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