NWT “트럼프는 미중 무역전쟁의 패배자” – 실시간 베스트 갤러리
기사외 추가내용 –
The U.S.-China trade war initiated by former President Donald Trump has largely been viewed as unsuccessful in achieving its main ives. While tariffs were meant to pressure China into making structural changes, including reducing intellectual property theft and opening its markets, these goals were largely unmet. Instead, the U.S. economy suffered significant costs.
American consumers and businesses bore much of the financial burden, with estimates showing that the tariffs cost U.S. companies billions of dollars, reduced investments, and led to job losses. For example, the tariffs contributed to a $48 billion loss, half of which was shouldered by U.S. firms relying on Chinese imports. Furthermore, sectors like agriculture and manufacturing were heavily impacted, with many farmers losing access to the lucrative Chinese market, causing a surge in bankruptcies
While the trade deficit with China narrowed slightly during the trade war, it did not resolve the broader U.S. trade deficit, as trade flows were redirected to other countries like Mexico and Europe. Ultimately, the structural changes in China that the Trump administration sought were not achieved, and China’s reliance on U.S. markets diminished as it strengthened trade ties with other countries
Thus, many analysts and economists consider the trade war a costly endeavor that failed to deliver the intended results, marking it as a practical defeat for the U.S. strategy.
요약 = 트럼프식 무지성 관세때리기는
오히려 미국 소비자들의
물가 상승과 기업들에게 엄청난 손실을 입히고
미국 농업에 커다란 타격을 입혔고
더 비싼 제품을 타국에서 수입하려다 실패 후
중국산을 명표 바꿔치기로
우회수입하는 방향으로 향해
실질적으로 대중무역적자가 줄긴 커녕
오히려 예측치보다 적자가 폭증하고
대중 무역의존도도 줄긴 커녕 더 커지며
중국의 무역 흑자는
연간 예상치 1000조를 넘어갈 정도로 더 커짐
이와 반대로
바이든식 중국의 고부가가치 산업 견제는
중국의 전기차, 반도체 업계에 커다란 타격을 입혀
실제로 중국과의 반도체의 격차를 효과적으로 벌리고
중국 전기차 기업들 줄도산까지 하며
큰 효과를 보았다고함
출처: 미국 주식 갤러리 [원본 보기]